Simple ways to cut house cleaning time

If you don’t have the time or inclination to devote your weekend to cleaning the house – grabbing a few minutes throughout the day will help to keep it under control. Here are some easy ways to fit in some simple cleaning tasks.

November 3, 2022
  • Wipe down the shower screen with a squeegee every time you use it. How to speed clean your bathroom and how to avoid mouldy grout
  • Empty the dishwasher before you start cooking. You’ll be able to put your cooking. and dinner dishes immediately into the dishwasher leaving your kitchen clean and tidy.
  • Get the whole family involved. Give each family member one thing to do each day. It can be something simple such as ‘put your shoes away’ or ‘pick up three items from your bedroom floor and put them away’. Turn tidying up into a game for kids!  
  • Do one load of laundry a day, rather than letting it all build up. Then, your washing machine can be running while you are doing other things.  
  • Keep cleaning supplies in each room – they will be easier to grab, and you’re more likely use them!
  • Wipe down cupboards while waiting for the microwave to go ‘ping’.
  • While watching television, have a dust around during any commercial breaks
  • Wipe down benchtops while waiting for the kettle to boil.
  • After you’ve flushed the loo, squirt some cleaner inside and give it a quick swish with the brush and a second flush.  More ways to keep your toilet clean
  • Pick up one thing that doesn’t belong every time you leave a room – and put it away.
  • Clean out the fridge before your grocery shop.
  • Scrub the kitchen sink whenever you run the dishwasher
  • Wash all the dishes you used for meal preparation while your food is cooking.  
  • Set a timer twice a day and clean for just 15 minutes – it’s amazing what you can achieve in a small amount of time.
  • Avoid these common house cleaning mistakes

You can also enjoy a lovely garden in less time

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