Discover essential local tips, articles, and announcements for Kojonup and surrounding areas. Stay connected with practical advice and community updates while exploring valuable local information.

Easy ways to get more plant foods into your day
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Health and FitnessEasy ways to get more plant foods into your day

Adding more plant foods to your diet doesn't mean giving up meat. It's all about balance and making your meals more colourful and nutritious. By including more fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, and whole grains, you can boost your health without feeling like you're missing out. Plus, it's a great way to try new flavours and dishes.

What is a 'capsule kitchen'?
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Time Saving HacksWhat is a 'capsule kitchen'?

Think of it as a simple, basic kitchen setup. Just like a small, versatile wardrobe that you can mix and match, a capsule kitchen focuses on a few essential tools and ingredients that can be used in many ways.

Donate plasma and be a lifesaver
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Community TipsDonate plasma and be a lifesaver

Have you ever considered donating plasma? While many of us are aware of blood donation, plasma donation is another equally vital way to help save lives.

Low light plants that thrive indoors
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GardeningLow light plants that thrive indoors

Do your indoor spaces lack light but still need a touch of greenery? No problem! Here are some plants that thrive indoors without needing too much sunlight.

How much plastic are you wearing?
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Reduce Reuse RecycleHow much plastic are you wearing?

Have you ever wondered what your clothes are actually made of? You might be surprised to learn just how much of your wardrobe consists of plastic-based fabrics, but there are other options out there.

Paint roller in a tray
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TipsCommon mistakes by DIY painters

Painting your home may seem like an easy job to tackle yourself, but the truth is, it's easy to do it badly. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid.

Make your dishwasher last longer (and save)
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Money Saving HacksMake your dishwasher last longer (and save)

A dishwasher is a fabulous investment for your kitchen, saving time and often using less water than hand-washing dishes; and with some simple maintenance steps, you can make sure it lasts.

Fixed vs variable interest rate home loans
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TipsFixed vs variable interest rate home loans

When you're in the market for a new home, choosing the right type of mortgage can be just as important as picking the perfect house. Two common options you'll encounter are fixed interest mortgages and variable interest mortgages.

Can I freeze that?
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Handy Home HintsCan I freeze that?

Freezing is a handy way to make many foods last longer, even ones you might not think of putting in the freezer. Here’s a list of less obvious foods that freeze well.

We’re going on a dinosaur hunt!
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Fun With KidsWe’re going on a dinosaur hunt!

Organising a dinosaur hunt in the garden or around the house is a fantastic way to entertain kids with an adventure at home! Here’s how you can get started

Happy looking dog running in a park
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PetsHow to avoid having a pudgy pooch!

We all love our dogs, but when it comes to food, some of our best friends are getting a bit too much love! Here's how to make sure your dog stays a healthy weight.

Caring for your senior cat
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TipsCaring for your senior cat

As our beloved cats grow older, they need a bit more care and attention to make sure their golden years are comfortable and happy. Here’s how you can support your ageing feline friend.

Pool fencing: Aluminium vs glass
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TipsPool fencing: Aluminium vs glass

Let's take a closer look at two popular fencing choices to help you decide which one could be the best fit for your poolside paradise.

Find your perfect plant-based milk match!
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Health and FitnessFind your perfect plant-based milk match!

Whether you're steering clear of dairy due to allergies, embracing a vegan lifestyle, or just fancy a change, the world of plant-based milks offers lots of options.

FOGO No-Nos!
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Reduce Reuse RecycleFOGO No-Nos!

If your council provides a FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) bin, here’s what to Keep Out. Some items will be obvious, others not so much!

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TechHow to stop your computer from getting hot and bothered!

Overheating is the arch enemy of your computer, so here are ways to keep it cool and avoid a meltdown!

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Health and FitnessWhy is bone health so important?

When we think about our overall health, we often focus on things like diet, exercise, and mental wellness. But there's another key aspect of our health that we don't always think about - our bones!

Garden bed full of colourful red pelargonium flowers
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GardeningSummer survival tips for your garden

During summer, it can be hard to keep your garden looking good. But don't worry! With a few smart tips, you can protect your plants from the intense sun and keep your garden vibrant and healthy all summer.

Stack of haloumi fritters on a plate
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RecipesHaloumi and Sweetcorn Vegetable Fritters. No oven required.

Quick, delicious, and perfect when the weather is warm and you don't want to turn on the oven.

Healthy eating on a budget
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Money Saving HacksHealthy eating on a budget

Healthy eating doesn't have to be a budget-buster! With a bit of planning and some clever tricks, you can enjoy delicious, nutritious meals without breaking the bank.

Make your own rainbow fruit icy poles - cool!
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Fun With KidsMake your own rainbow fruit icy poles - cool!

When the temperature rises, there’s nothing nicer than sitting in the shade and enjoying a delicious, cool, fruity icy pole. Yum! Here’s a delicious recipe using real fruit!

Adopt a new best friend
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PetsAdopt a new best friend

If you’re thinking about kicking off the year by adding a furry friend to your family, why not consider adopting? Here’s why it’s a great idea.

Whirlybird roof ventilation on a metal roof
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TipsHot air in your roof? There's a whirlybird for that!

Without adequate ventilation, your roof space can heat to above 60 degrees in summer (yikes!). This heat will transfer through your ceiling and into your house, but installing a whirlybird will help keep your home cooler.

Wooden bowl full of salt
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Handy Home HintsDiscover the secret powers of salt!

Salt is one of the most used ingredients in the kitchen, but you can use it for lots of things, other than cooking.

woman with sunscreen on face touching nose
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Health and FitnessGive your skin some TLC

With our famously sunny days and outdoor lifestyle, our skin can take a bit of a battering. Here's how you can keep your skin healthy and glowing in the sunniest capital of Australia.

The many benefits of regular lawn mowing
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TipsEasy tips for a lush summer lawn

Take a look at our simple yet effective ways to keep your lawn looking its best throughout our sizzling summer months.

Tame your inbox! Email management made easy
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TechTame your inbox! Email management made easy

Emails can arrive thick and fast, creating seemingly never-ending tasks. But fear not! Here are some easy-to-implement tips to take back control of your inbox.

Herbs you can grow all year round
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GardeningHerbs you can grow all year round

Wouldn't it be great to have fresh herbs all year round without spending a fortune at the supermarket? Well, you can! Here are some herbs that thrive in Perth's climate throughout the year.

person cleaning a shower screen
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Time Saving Hacks10 easy steps to speed clean your bathroom

If you hate cleaning your bathroom (and let's face it, most of us do), try this system to give it a speed clean!

Timber kitchen counter
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TipsChoosing a bench top for your kitchen renovation?

Bench space is one of the most important elements of your kitchen, so make sure you get it right, as it will be difficult (and expensive) to add more once your renovation has finished. Here's what you should think about.

Tips to declutter and donate
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Reduce Reuse Recycle9 great tips to declutter and donate

Decluttering your home may seem a little overwhelming, if you've got lots of stuff. But there are some simple tips to try so it doesn't become too stressful.

classic lemon shortbread cups
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RecipesClassic Lemon Shortbread Cups

An impressive looking classic that's easier to make than it looks!

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Handy Home HintsWhat not to clean with sodium bicarb

Bicarb soda, sodium bicarb, baking soda – whatever you call it – is a fantastic all-rounder for jobs around the home. But while it’s a bit of a cleaning superhero, there are some things to keep it away from.

What is athlete’s foot (and how does is happen)?
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TipsWhat is athlete’s foot (and how does is happen)?

Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that typically develops between the toes but, annoyingly, can also spread to other parts of the feet. Despite what the name suggests, you don’t need to be an athlete to get it – it can affect anyone.

Clothes hanging neatly in a wardrobe
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TipsHang or fold? A quick guide for your clothes

Should you fold your clothes or hang them? This is usually a matter of preference, but there are good reasons for both, depending on the type of clothing.

Silica gel sachets
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Reduce Reuse RecycleHandy ways to reuse silica gel sachets

More and more of us are switching to online shopping and you may have noticed small sachets of silica gel in some of your parcels. They are there to keep moisture at bay and can easily be reused in really cool ways, rather than going to landfill.

January Sales
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Money Saving HacksMake the most of the January sales

Ah, January. The Christmas chaos is over, and the sales chaos begins! The January sales are like the ultimate treasure hunt, with hidden gems just waiting to be discovered.

Travelling overseas? Pack our handy tech tips!
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TechTravelling overseas? Pack our handy tech tips!

Travelling overseas is always an exciting adventure, but it can come with its own set of tech challenges. Here are some helpful tips to keep you connected and stress-free on your journey.

Multiply your succulents – for free!
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GardeningMultiply your succulents – for free!

Propagating succulents is super easy and incredibly rewarding. Plus, it’s a great way to expand your plant collection without breaking the bank!

glass kettle full of boiling water
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Money Saving HacksKitchen habits that are costing you money

When it comes to wasting money, lots of little things can add up to quite a lot. Here are some common habits to avoid and save money.

Try some mocktail magic
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Health and FitnessTry some mocktail magic

Mocktails are all the rage these days - they pack all the flavour and excitement of cocktails, minus the hangover. Whether you're throwing a party, chilling with friends, or just want something tasty to sip on, give a couple of these a try.

Roller blind on a window
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TipsHow to clean your roller blinds

They protect us from the sun, keep our rooms dark so we can sleep and stop prying eyes from peering into our homes - but when was the last time you cleaned your roller blinds?

Various school supplies
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Reduce Reuse RecycleThe 'write' way to recycle school stationery!

At the end of the school term, your kids probably come home with a bag full of left-over stationery. Some of it will be unused and some only partially used, but the good news is, these items can help kids who sometimes miss out.

Dogs keeping cool in a paddling pool
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PetsFive ways to keep your dog cool this summer

If your dog overheats, it can cause heatstroke, which is dangerous and can even be life-threatening. Older pets, those carrying a little extra weight, or ones with health concerns are at higher risk. And flat-faced cuties like pugs, French bulldogs, and English bulldogs need extra TLC in hot weather. Here's how to keep your furry pals cool and comfy!

Liquid, powder, pods? Which laundry detergent is best?
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Handy Home HintsLiquid, powder, pods? Which laundry detergent is best?

As the range of laundry detergents at the supermarket seems to get bigger and bigger – you might be suffering a bit of choice overload. Here’s some handy info to help you decide which is best for you.

Pet-safe tips for the festive season
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PetsPet-safe tips for the festive season

How ever you are spending the festive season, if you have pets at home, there are a few hazards you need to look out for, so your furry family members stay safe and happy!

Do you know the headlight rules?
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TipsDo you know the headlight rules?

Understanding headlight rules isn’t just about avoiding fines (although that’s a bonus) it’s a must to stay safe on the roads.

How to make snow!
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Fun With KidsHow to make snow!

Who said you can’t have snow in December? Not us! Here’s how to make your own (and the best part is, it won't melt!).

clean pots and pans on kitchen drainer
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Time Saving HacksClean your kitchen in 20 minutes!

Keeping your kitchen clean takes a bit of an effort - but that doesn't mean you have to spend hours every week cleaning and tidying. Try this quick routine so it doesn't turn into a major chore.

Lady relaxing at home in the peace and quiet
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TipsEnjoy peace and quiet in your home with laminated glass

We live in a noisy, fast-paced world. So, wouldn't it be nice to get home, close the door, and shut out the barking dogs, car alarms, and noisy neighbours?

Party light safety tips
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TipsParty light safety tips

Nothing puts a damper on a party like an unexpected electrical mishap! So here are a few tips for party light safety so everyone can have a great time.

Stop the slouch: The perks of perfect posture
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TipsStop the slouch: The perks of perfect posture

You might not give much thought to how you’re sitting, standing, or moving throughout the day, but posture plays a big role in how you feel and function. Whether you’re hunched over your desk or relaxing on the couch, good posture is a key factor in keeping your body comfortable and pain-free.

Are you a mozzie magnet?
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Health and FitnessAre you a mozzie magnet?

Ever been out enjoying a barbecue or a picnic, only to find yourself swatting away mosquitoes while everyone else seems untouched? Here’s why they just can’t resist some people - and what you can do!

How to spot the signs of healthy seedlings
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GardeningHow to spot the signs of healthy seedlings

No more sad seedlings! With a little know-how, you can spot the signs of strong, vibrant seedlings that will flourish. Let’s dig in (pun intended!) and explore what to look for when picking the healthiest plants to bring home to your garden.

Waterwise Irrigation Rebate: How it works
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Money Saving HacksWaterwise Irrigation Rebate: How it works

Did you know more than a quarter of your home's water ends up on your lawn and garden. Wild, right? That's a lot of precious water - and a perfect place to start saving.

Simple steps to NY resolution success
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Community TipsSimple steps to NY resolution success

Ahhh, those promises we make to ourselves as the fireworks sparkle on NYE! But fast-forward a few weeks (or even few days), and many of us are already groaning at words like ‘gym’ or ‘budget’. Sound familiar? Join the club! Here are a few tips to prepare and stay on course.

Tips to avoid a bad hair day
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TipsBad hair day? No problem!

Bad hair days can be anything from dull and flat to super frizzy. Here are some handy tips to make your bad hair day, not so bad.

How to have a low waste Christmas
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Reduce Reuse RecycleHow to have a low waste Christmas

Over Christmas, Australians will create 50% more waste than the rest of the year. That's a lot of stuff going to landfill not to mention the money that we are throwing away. Here are some easy ways you can cut down on waste.

Food Awards Winner $200 Dining Voucher - Little Aussie Communities
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Competition WinnersFood Awards $200 Dinner - Corry

Corry is the lucky winner of $200 to spend at her favourite restaurant, Mr Walker. We hope you enjoy your dining experience.

No fuss festive crafts for kids!
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Fun With KidsNo fuss festive crafts for kids!

Christmas isn’t far off and a great way to get into the festive spirit is making decorations with your own little helpers. Try some of our kid friendly ideas and you don’t need any fancy materials to make them. Bonus!

Person scrubbing toilet bowl with a brush
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TipsHow to keep your toilet clean

Cleaning the loo must be one of the least liked jobs to do around the house (especially if you have boys whose aim could do with a little practise!). But it has to be done! Here are 4 tips to make it a bit easier.

Time-Saving weeding tips for busy gardeners
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Time Saving HacksTime-Saving weeding tips for busy gardeners

Oh, the joy of gardening! Getting to see your flowers bloom or your veggies thrive. But then the party poopers arrive – in the shape of never-ending weeds. Here are a few helpful tips to keep those pesky weeds in check.

Cat proof your Christmas tree!
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PetsCat proof your Christmas tree!

If you are a cat parent, before you resign yourself to a festive season filled with chaos and broken ornaments, check out these cat-proofing tips to ensure your tree stays standing (and looking fabulous) all season long!

Clothes steamers: the ultimate multi taskers!
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Handy Home HintsClothes steamers: the ultimate multi taskers!

We all know a clothes steamer is a lifesaver when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles, but did you know it can do so much more? That trusty little gadget can tackle all sorts of household tasks and it’s about to become your new best friend!

How far?? Understanding stopping distances when driving
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TipsHow far?? Understanding stopping distances when driving

Knowing how to manage stopping distances is essential for safe driving. We have some helpful info about how speed impacts stopping distances and why well-maintained brakes are crucial.

Sensational Ginger Slice
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RecipesSensational Ginger Slice

Gooey ginger topping and a delicious buttery shortbread style biscuit underneath. These two together are a match made in heaven and perfect with a nice cup of tea or coffee.

What is a 'Scam'?
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TechWhat is a 'Scam'?

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘too good to be true’ and chances are, it probably is and you’re looking at a scam. Scams come in all shapes and sizes - from phony phone calls to fishy emails pretending to be your bank, scams are sneaky and ever evolving. Here’s some useful info:

No sun? No problem! 7 spectacular shade plants for your garden
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GardeningNo sun? No problem! 7 spectacular shade plants for your garden

When planning your garden, it’s easy to focus on the flowery divas which thrive in full sun. But what about those quieter, shadier corners – under the branches of your favourite tree or alongside shadier side of your house?

Why you should ‘water’ your brain
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Health and FitnessWhy you should ‘water’ your brain

This simple, clear liquid is essential for more than just quenching your thirst. From boosting focus and improving mood to helping with memory and mental clarity, staying hydrated is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do for your brain.

Listen up! Easy tips for healthy hearing
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TipsListen up! Easy tips for healthy hearing

Our hearing is one of those things we often take for granted until it starts to fade. Whether it’s cranking up the volume on our headphones, hanging out at noisy events, or just brushing off a ringing in the ears, we sometimes don’t give our ears the love they deserve. Here’s why it’s so important - and a few simple ways to keep your ears in top shape.

Save with DIY detergents
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Money Saving HacksSave with DIY detergents

When budgets are tight, every little helps - so why not try our DIY all purpose cleaner and laundry liquid (you might already have the ingredients in your pantry!).

So, what exactly is dry cleaning?
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TipsSo, what exactly is dry cleaning?

Ever wonder what dry cleaning actually is? You’re not alone! Many of us drop off our favourite clothes and pick them up later, fresh and spotless, without knowing what goes on in between. Here's how the magic happens.

Tin of open yellow paint
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Reduce Reuse RecycleLeftover house paint? Take it to Paintback®

Australians throw away around 7.3 million litres of unwanted paint every year. Household paint is classed as Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and must never be poured down the drain or put into any of your kerbside waste bins.

chocolate raspberry cupcake
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RecipesFast and fabulous chocolate and raspberry cupcakes (dairy and egg free)

We’ve removed the eggs and dairy but not the yummy! No delicate handling of this cupcake mixture required (thank goodness!) just throw in the ingredients and whisk.

wash me drawn on dirty window
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TipsFive reasons why your windows keep getting dirty

We all love sparkling freshly cleaned windows. But why do they keep getting dirty in the first place? Here are the most common culprits.

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Tips'Check engine' light on?

Before you panic, this little light doesn’t always spell disaster. Here are some common reasons why it might have started glowing.

Older Golden Retriever outside in the sunshine
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PetsHow to care for older cats and dogs

Our needs change as we get older, and the same goes for our pets. What was suitable for your puppy or kitten, may not be advisable (or doable) for an older dog or cat! Here are a few tips if your furry friend is getting on a bit.

Pile of folded laundry
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Time Saving HacksSimple tips that will save time in the laundry

Who loves doing the laundry? Nope, me neither and judging by the massive pile of dirty clothes in the washing basket - nor does anyone else in my house! If your home is the same, give some of these time saving tips a try.

Frozen food in freezer bags
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Handy Home HintsChill Out! Freezer tips to make life easier

Freezers are great for getting organised and saving time and money. Here are some nifty tips to make the most of your frosty friend.

Silly putty balls for kids to play with
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Fun With KidsMake your own simple silly putty

Just 3 ingredients for hours of fun! This is a great activity for kids to get stuck in with some gooey ingredients. Making it is just as much fun as playing with it.

What's a Wi-Fi booster (and do I need one?)
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TechWhat's a Wi-Fi booster (and do I need one?)

Ever found yourself in the far corner of your house, trying to load a webpage, only for your Wi-Fi to give up on you? Or maybe you’ve experienced those annoying buffering moments right in the middle of your favourite show? Enter the Wi-Fi booster!

Surprising food waste facts
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Reduce Reuse RecycleSurprising food waste facts

Did you know that the world produces enough food to feed everyone?! But about a third of all that food gets lost or wasted. Here are a few more facts that might just surprise you.

Helpful hints for a happy, healthy cat
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TipsHelpful hints for a happy, healthy cat

Cats may seem like independent creatures of mystery, but behind those aloof, diva-esque moments is a little ball of fluff that needs plenty of TLC to stay happy and healthy.

Person filling car with petrol
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Money Saving HacksMake your fuel go further

Who loves spending more on fuel? No-one! Fuel prices seem to go up and down like a roller coaster, so it makes sense to get the most out of every tank. Here are some handy tips to make your fuel go further (literally).

Person sitting at an office desk
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Health and FitnessIs sitting the new smoking?

According to medical experts, sitting is the new smoking. So, how can you balance your desk job with your health and fitness? Here are some helpful tips to keep you moving.

It’s In The Bag' 2024 Campaign
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Community Tips'It’s In The Bag' 2024 Campaign

Share the Dignity's annual campaign, It’s In The Bag, is all about spreading kindness and restoring dignity for women and girls experiencing hardship. It's returning for 2024 with a focus on spreading more love than ever before.

The savvy way to save water
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TipsThe savvy way to save water

Saving water doesn’t have to mean sacrificing a lush garden. With a nifty reticulation system, you can keep your plants happy while your water usage shrinks. Here's how

Container plant besties
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GardeningContainer plant besties

Just like people, plants have friends they thrive with. Companion planting is the practice of grouping plants that complement each other - either because they have similar care needs or because one helps the other grow better. The key is to consider each plant’s light, water, and space requirements, and to pair plants that won’t overshadow or outcompete each other.

Tips and essentials for happy hands
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TipsTips and essentials for happy hands

Our hands are always busy, from typing and washing dishes to holding a cuppa or giving a great big bear hug. Sadly, they often get overlooked when it comes to taking care of ourselves. Here are some great hand care essentials that are easy to do.

Pet safety tips for Spook Season!
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PetsPet safety tips for Spook Season!

If you’re a pet parent and taking part in Halloween trick or treating, here are some helpful tips to make sure your pets stay safe and enjoy the fun.

What is a VPN (and why might you need one?)
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TechWhat is a VPN (and why might you need one?)

Ever feel like the internet is being a bit nosy? A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a handy tool that helps you browse the web more privately and avoid being bombarded with targeted ads based on your browsing history. Here’s how it works:

Couple working together on a budget
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Money Saving HacksHow to do a household budget

Do you know how much money you spend each month? Do you have a budget to make sure you can really afford everything you buy? If the answer is 'no' read on to discover the many benefits of having a budget and how to start one.

Rubber car mats being hosed clean
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TipsSay 'see-ya!' to messy cars

We can spend a lot of time in our cars, so it's much nicer when they don’t look like a rubbish bin on wheels! Here are some quick tips to keep it clean inside.

person applying cream to heels
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Health and FitnessNo more cracked summer heels!

Don’t let sore, cracked heels stop you from slipping into your favourite summer shoes! Cracked heels can cramp your style (and comfort). Let's look at what causes them and how to prevent them.

Get some green floor tiles
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TipsGet some green floor tiles

Nope – we’re not handing out interior design tips – we’re talking floor tiles - which will make your home a bit eco-friendlier!

Scarily simple Halloween costumes
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Fun With KidsScarily simple Halloween costumes

Halloween’s just around the corner and if you like to join in, there’s no need to spend hours sewing or a fortune buying costumes. With a little creativity, you can whip up some fun and easy Halloween outfits for both kids and adults.

Watering colourful flowers with a watering can
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Reduce Reuse RecycleWater less, save more!

Your garden can be a bit of a sneaky water guzzler! But with a few simple tweaks, you can water more efficiently and even trim down that water bill.

Ducted vs split: the ultimate air con showdown!
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TipsDucted vs split: the ultimate air con showdown!

Not really! Both have their pros and cons when it comes to keeping your cool (or even your warm!). Here are some tips to help you decide which will be best for you.

Oops! Succulent growing blunders to avoid
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GardeningOops! Succulent growing blunders to avoid

Succulents are tough little plants that are often labelled as easy to care for - just set them and forget them, right? Well, not quite! If you’ve ever wondered why your succulents aren’t living their best life, here are some common mistakes to avoid.

15-minute decluttering? Yes please!
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Time Saving Hacks15-minute decluttering? Yes please!

If the thought of decluttering your whole house (or even a whole room) is a bit overwhelming, here are decluttering tasks that you can whip through in 15 minutes or less.
